Ericsson Emodo Curated Deals: Driving Client Reengagement


Emodo had successfully run campaigns with hundreds of Fortune 500 brands, but with COVID negatively affecting the location-based ad market in 2020, priority advertisers that represented significant previous-year revenue needed to be reengaged. To generate renewed interest, Jay utilized existing offerings packaged in a new way, allowing Emodo to easily build PMPs with customized audiences that delivered on client goals without the need to develop new software features.

Jay’s Role:

  • Identify priority clients for re-engagement using salesforce reporting and feedback from operations and sales

  • Define parameters and create of customizable templates for operations to repeat campaign success

  • Create sales materials and case studies to drive reengagement with priority partners


  • Six-figure deals that renewed partnerships with priority brands, leading to ongoing renewals

  • A successful Samsung campaign that became case study for marketing materials


Ericsson Emodo Adapt Ads: AI-Powered Native


Taykey Trending Ads: Commercializing Great Data